Saturday, May 29, 2010

day 149

~~~tRuE eVeNt~~~
last night i was just taking out my contacts, you know, part of my normal nighttime routine, just something i've been doing every night since i was 12.
but then.......
in my left eye, i only took out HALF of the lens and THE OTHER HALF WAS STUCK INSIDE!!!!!1!
i tugged and scratched at my eyeball trying to get it out (and harming my conjunctiva in the process)
and then i called my boyfriend crying, partially from the emotional trauma and partially from my eye just creating tears to flush out the harmful object
and then i googled "how to remove a broken contact lens" and tried all the *tricks* but none of them worked so i just gave up and tried to go to sleep
after struggling with the excruciating pain for a total of 43 minutes, i finally felt it move to my lower eyelid so i was able to pull it out
ANYWAY my eye REALLY REALLY hurts today and all i've been doing is complaining (but an understandable amount of complaining considering it REALLY REALLY hurts)

also today is my nephews 1st birthday and my grandma's 97th. i think.
i went to colin's party at chuck e cheezzz but i didn't win very many tickets. ...i mean i wasn't trying or anything...

also tomorrow my mom and i are embarking on a journey to wisconsin to see the rest of my family. i'm unsure of my options for getting on the internet while i'm at my grandma's sooo don't think i've given up on my 365 day project just because i haven't uploaded in a while.
i'll still be awkwardly taking pictures in a timely manner! 365 4EVER!!

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