Friday, November 12, 2010

day 316

this is just me holdin handz~ with my nephew

~~bad news about my car, y'all: last night it started smelling funny and i was like "oh it must just be that latte i spilled awhile ago, oops, guess i should've cleaned it instead of just laying a towel over it until it dried" BUT THEN i was driving with dacoda today and he was like "hey lizzie there's smoke coming out of the vents" and then he told me the smell was radiator fluid, and for those of you who don't know, dacoda is a genius on all things and he was right. mmmmmm
fffffuck! not entirely sure what's exactly wrong with it yet, just that it will be XXXpensive to fix. i am NOT ready to part ways with my car/my EXTENSION OF SELF that's been a huge part of my life since i was fifteen. it's been through too much with me to be considered a "possession", so many memories y'all, srsly.
i'll probably cry for days when i finally do i have to get a new car.

other than that, today was mostly spectacular.
i finally finally finally finished my netflix movie that i've had for liiike a month (NOT the way to use netflix to your full advantage). i got breakfast with my bf and it was yumsies. got some new paint, walked garp, baked CHEESECAKE SWIRL brownies, made a ~t-shirt scarf~ with amy, and watched a band play a few songs before i decided i needed to come home so i could go to sleep early-ish.

jeeeeeeez this is perfect: jack antonoff's bLoG~*~

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