Tuesday, March 30, 2010

day 89

luckily, i have 3 to-do lists from march 30 (2008, 2009, 2010).
i've doubted anyone's interest in reading these seemingly pointless lists, but it's just so damn cool to have a to-do list for THE SAME DAY THREE YEARS IN A ROW that i've disregarded those thoughts

AB data
AB paper
AB test
reading paper
stats lab hmwk
ghosts of rwanda

note: AB is animal behavior, a class i was in at the time
no clue what watershed means
this list is school-based!

get outfit for picture
call jeff
write letter
order contacts

the picture was for the lsus newspaper that was covering a play i was in at the time
and jeff, well, he was a friend that meant a lot to me then
i can guess what letter that is but i'm not entirely sure
it could be that time dylan and i wrote a letter to two strangers and left one on a car in the walmart parking lot, and got a little too serious/stalker-ish with the other one

paint xylophone
leah 3-5
watch happiness
homework projects: tear titanic
call call call!

so far i've only done the first 3 things on that list. so i think now i'll work on my homework, it's too late to call (call call), and matilda is a secret shhhh

for yesterdays list i really need to add fatal attractions, a show on animal planet i discovered last night and watched for two hours. there was absolutely nothing more important or productive i could've done than learn about CHIMP ATTACKS....
like travis, oh you know, that chimp that was kept as a pet for far too long and then one day went crazy and attacked his owner's friend and just, you know, ate her face and hands. it's the same audio that dacoda plays at his shows that goes "my chimpanzee killed my friend! she's dead! she's dead! he's eating her!" in a panic-stricken voice that in turn, led to me one time having to leave dacoda's show and go outside and talk on the phone because i, too, began to panic (because a CHIMP ATTACK!)
or the story of moe's owners, who were visiting their ex-pet in captivity when they were attacked by more face-eating chimps who had escaped.
AND OH DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE LIZARD MAN who lived with giant lizards roaming free in his apartment (also face-eaters) but i didn't exactly catch HOW he died so i just spent the last half hour googling "ron huff cause of death lizards fatal attractions animal planet" and i still don't know if the lizards killed him or if he died of something else and THEN they ate him.
i really just don't know.
basically what i'm trying to say is THIS SHOW IS AWESOME and that's all.

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