Tuesday, September 21, 2010

day 263

one shitty day full of minor complaints that seemed major at the time:

my professor told me i couldn't paint mimzy for my portrait and i had to try really hard not to cry because who cries in class?? well maybe i did see a few people have minor breakdowns in high school and college but i never did because IT'S NOT SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE PAST THE AGE OF 10. HIDE YOUR TRUE EMOTIONS, Y'ALL. you might be wondering, whyyyy would you get so upset that you couldn't paint your cat? and i don't know the real honest the answer. but i have a few possible reasons:
1. i really loved mimzy a lot and i'm sad that she now sits in an urn next to my bed
2. y'all i'm just really stressed about school lately
3. i really h8 being unprepared for class, and because i didn't have a human portrait, i couldn't do anythaang

then i was so excited to go to walgreens and pick up the film from this old disposable camera that i found in my house. d'coda and i finished the last two pictures on it yesterday while i was taking real profesh pix for my class. i was expecting to see old family pictures, old pets, me when i was younger, etc.
soooo what gems were developed from that camera?? OH JUST PICTURES OF MY MOM'S OLD CLASS. dammit.

also i went to school early so i could use the projector to trace something. AND THEN i couldn't figure out how to use it, so i just got really frustrated and almost cried again (losing all my cool cred as i type this) finally after about 2938749 minutes of trying different (all unsuccessful) ways of making it work, this girl came in and rescued me by showing me how to use it. BUT GUESS WHAT. i didn't even need to have my image traced yet at all!! what a funny twist to the story!

also work sucked :o(

i do apologize for all of these petty complaints, but it just seemed like nothing was working in my favor.
i DID however, get an A on my landscape which is rad because i worked majorly hard on that masterpiece.

* aside from my ~brilliant~ performance as alice in closer for my character development class.

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