Wednesday, September 22, 2010

day 265

i MAY need to wear hello kitty bandaids* on alllll of my fingers because i've been biting my nails so so so short lately
i think i might not even have fingernails at all by the time this week is over

*interesting anecdote: one time when i was ohhhh about 4 years old, my sister came to watch me do gymnastics for my ~gymnastics class~ and i'm not really sure what happened, but i developed a fear of band-aids**. probably had nothing at all to do with gymnastics*** but there was a bandaid involved somehow (that part no longer exists in my memory). and then one time we went to see the land before time (gr8 classic film) and the theater was so full that i had to sit on my sister's lap, but she had a bandaid on her finger so i screamed/cried and we didn't stay for the movie. then another time my dad broke his ankle and had to wear a cast on his leg (a larger, more ominous version) and i was afraid of that too. then my parents were probably like OUR DAUGHTER IS A WEIRD FREAK so i went to see a ~therapist~ and he was like "hey my thumb looks a little red, maybe i should go put a bandaid on it" (which in retrospect is just DUMB) and then i started crying and he went to get my mom. that's all i remember. i'm not sure how this problem ever got resolved. but now, today, twenty years later, regular-colored bandaids still make me feel inexplicably uneasy and i have to wear hello kitty/mario/animal print/NOT THE CLOTH KIND because those are the worst. and if anyone near me is wearing a regular-colored bandaid, the thought of it invades my brain and just bothers me a lot.
hope y'all guyz don't think i'm too cray-zay now.

**spelling "bandaid" like "band-aid" is just making me feel like an asshole. i guess technically it's BANDAGE but ehhhh

***i really had some exceptional vault skills and was a master on the balance beam

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