Wednesday, December 8, 2010

day 341

extraordinary happenings

i finished my photography final and turned it in! ! !

THEN i stayed up VERY VERY L8 to finish my color theory final that was due at 8am. i underestimated the amount of time it would take me. i almost stayed awake the entire night, but around 4am i decided to be done even though i wasn't finished. staying awake was fun y'all, i just listened to records and painted and i wasn't even tired when i did go to bed.
the middle of the night when everyone is asleep is a completely different world that i'm considering visiting more often.

and and and i got my car back! it's whole, it's fixxxed, everything works. it's been gone TOO LONG.
i feel like i've been reunited with an old friend. it's so beautiful.
i'm contemplating having a ~*nO fOoD*~ rule now to eliminate the possibility of crumbs in my newly pristine vehicle

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