Thursday, December 16, 2010

day 350

OBVI being sick suxxx
i'm here to offer a RAY OF LIGHT amidst the darkness...

good things about being sick/the glass is half full y'all:
  • you can watch as many episodes of my so-called life as you want!
  • extra time spent with kitties! cats love it when you're sick, because you're in bed a lot and they get to sleep next to you and bask in your warmth. and if you spill hot chocolate on them, they'll understand
  • soft/liquid foods are easy on the throat and delicious.
  • also cough drops taste pretty good (halls fruit breezrz r the best~)
  • a lot of sleep = a lot of dreams (which are usually crazy on cold/flu meds and need to be written down immediately upon waking up)
i just finished watching eternal sunshine. gr8 movie/wacky plot/so brilliantly sad. i feel the need to watch the whole thing again.
perhaps it's so confusing to me because i can't quite grasp the situation. i've never been in the position to want to erase my past. i couldn't ever imagine wanting that. i could only hope to desperately cling to each tiny memory.
in fact i could probably spend about 237520 hours analyzing this movie, but instead i think i'll let the diphenhydramine hcl~~ take full effect

c u guyz l8r~

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